Time to swear off runaway spending and let recovery begin!
When noted Academicians write to the President and tell him to stop spending, you know they are serious. In February 2012, Stanford University economist John Taylor was one of 150 economists who signed a letter to President Barack Obama urging spending cuts. Taylor took the time on his personal blog to explain in simple terms how spending cuts help the economy: “A credible plan to reduce gradually the deficit will increase economic growth and reduce unemployment by removing uncertainty and lowering the chances of large tax increases in the future.” Most Americans side with Professor Taylor. Government is far too big and excessive spending undermines economic growth by transferring additional resources from the productive sector of the economy to the unproductive–a.k.a. government. Yet, President Barack Obama has spent trillions of dollars on his favorite pork projects, mostly slimy and some more slimy. With so many dollars having been misdirected to bad pork, the U.S. economy is beginning to get rancid and a bit odoriferous. You do not have to be an economist to know things are bad. Just like the bad pork, if it smells bad, it is bad.
Read more: Time to swear off runaway spending and let recovery begin!
Enforce Immigration Laws: Quickest way to create good jobs for Americans!
by on May 29, 2012 ·
In your city; in my city; in all cities in the US, over 50 million illegal foreign nationals live and many have been working in the US—for an awful long time. For each of these working illegal foreign nationals, there is an American that is out-of-work. If we believe any of this, isn’t the first place to look for a jobs solution obvious? This does not count the 1.5 million legal foreign nationals and the million each year who become citizens. Is it any wonder why Americans cannot find jobs? Of the 50 million illegal foreign nationals, most are of Hispanic descent. How can we know they are of Hispanic descent? What is the second most popular language in America? What country has a grade school course titled, “English as a second language?” The last time you held on the phone or you opened a box to assemble a product, or you saw a sign on a public place, were you not treated to both English and Spanish versions of the message. Were there Irish or Russian instructions? No business and no government would change all the signage in the US if there were just 10 million people, who could speak only Spanish from a 320 million population. So, you can bet the house that there are more than 50 million illegal foreign nationals of Hispanic origin living in this country today. How do we know they are illegal? Foreign nationals who become citizens must learn English.
Read more: Enforce Immigration Laws: Quickest way to create good jobs for Americans!
Excessive regulations are killing the economy and the prospects for jobs
Nobody needs a statistician to prove that a company that is put out of business by excessive regulations will ever be able to create a job for an American. Obviously, it can’t! One would think that in these tough economic times, it would be useful for government to ease off on punitive regulations to help companies survive and put them in a position hire new American employees. According to Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle Corporation, it is not taxes and wages but government regulations and rules that make it difficult to do business in the United States. One of the Rs in my new book called RRR: A unique plan for economic recovery and job creation is to Reduce Regulations. Of course, it only makes sense. Nobody has to convince any person engaged in business that American businesses find it hard to do business in our country because of the EPA and other nasty government agencies. If they could find an America in an alternate universe, they would try to establish their businesses there. It is that bad. With Obama at the helm, it gets worse every day. Businesses would be pleased to leave the US and our regulation nightmare to rot on the vine. As Americans, we need to fix that. The strongest country on the face of the earth must have businesses as partners for the success of the nation to endure. There is no other way. Overregulation is killing the goose that has been laying the golden eggs since the founding.
Read more: Excessive regulations are killing the economy and the prospects for jobs
Kill Obamacare while we still live! If Obamacare were chocolate, would there be an unlimited supply?
When government gets involved in anything and it is free, is it largesse unlimited? We know that government likes to be looked upon as today’s Robin Hood in that it takes from the rich and gives to the poor. But what if the stash of goodies from the rich is not endless? Health administration experts will tell all of us from their examination of the 2700 page Obamacare bill that there will be government rationing to handle your excessive demand for healthcare services. With the government in charge, you know it will all be fair. How can anybody complain? You may know that none of Obama’s people will use the term “rationing,” because it implies that you won’t get all you want. Well, you won’t! How does rationing work? All government programs are based on rationing. When the receiver puts up nothing to receive a benefit, the benefit is never limitless. Let’s say that the government was giving away chocolate. Would you expect to receive as much chocolate as you need or want? Would you expect there to be a limit? Will the chocolate box go empty? Now, let’s say the government is giving away big bricks of cheese and butter. Would you be able to get all you need or want? Would you expect there to be no limit? So, now, what about healthcare? There are only so many doctors, nurses, hospital beds, appointment slots, etc. With 30,000,000 more people getting free Obamacare and not one additional person providing it, will you be able to get as much healthcare as you need or want? What if your doctor says he or she cannot make it financially anymore along with thousands of other doctors? Will your healthcare box go empty? Would you expect there to be no limit? Where will you go for healthcare when it is all free, but you just can’t get it? Do you trust that the big shots in the government who are excluded from Obamacare regulations will work hard to make sure there is enough care left just for you? When there is not enough healthcare for you, and the miserable guy down the street, who you dislike the most in life, is now working for the government; are you OK with that guy deciding whether you live or die? Or would you rather have your trusty insurance policy back?
Forget about the Immigration EASY button. Hit the immigration STOP button!
STOP all immigration into America including naturalization. When the barrel is full, logic suggests that there is no more room in the barrel. If we choose to do nothing, well over a million more legal foreign workers will be allowed to come into the U.S. barrel again this year and take our best jobs. These are jobs Americans want to have and can do. These are jobs that will be taken away from our children just now graduating from college. It is going to happen if Americans don’t hit the STOP button. Ok, let’s be a bit practical here. Congress will do nothing to stop the President’s de-facto amnesty and so the legal immigration throttle will not be released. Rather than speculate, let’s just admit that again this year, well over a million more legal foreign workers will be allowed to come to the US to take our best jobs from our brightest young minds. Now, would it not be nice if we could take that off the table? Numbers show that there are 15 Million Americans or more out of work. So a student of logic might ask, “Why Is President Obama reducing worksite enforcement of immigration laws when Americans are hurting for those Jobs?” I guess because he can and the mainstream media will not call him on it. So, it is up to US! When leaders do not respond, in the current United States, we are entitled to replace them. It is our most important entitlement. I sure hope our unemployed recent graduates understand this option in November.
Read more: Forget about the Immigration EASY button. Hit the immigration STOP button!
Reindustrialize America from a post industrial United States: Part I
How did the US become second-rate in manufacturing? Though we still have some major manufacturing facilities, over the last thirty to fifty years, the US has moved to post-industrial status. Experts define post-industrial as the time when the service sector produces more wealth than the industrial or manufacturing sector. If we could consider a McDonald’s Hamburger a manufactured item, perhaps it would keep us on this side of the post-industrial age for a bit longer. But, those times are gone. Even those of us who deeply love our country see that our beloved America has become a post-industrial superpower. Find me something made in America other than a hamburger with the promise of no pink slime! Unfortunately, when a superpower depends on other countries to build its major products, logic suggests that it cannot last very long as a superpower. Some bully country someplace will soon figure out how to pick our US bones. In the last thirty to fifty years, the greatest manufacturing country in the world lost as many as 50 million manufacturing jobs (1/3 direct and 2/3 indirect) and it has seen as many as 200,000 plants shut down. For the average American, it does not matter if just their job or the whole plant went overseas. Both are gone, and another and another American is out of work, all caused by the systematic and intentional de-industrialization of America.
Read more: Reindustrialize America from a post industrial United States: Part I
Is it really OK that legal foreign nationals are enjoying the highest paying jobs while American college graduates are unemployed?
Unfortunately, even college graduates cannot get jobs as burger-flippers since no skill at all is required. Over qualification is the excuse. They also cannot get jobs in their major field of study. Why is that? How many times have you heard someone say, we don’t really care about legal immigrants because they are good for the country; but we don’t like illegal immigrants because they take a lot of American jobs and they are an overall burden on American citizens for welfare, education, child support etc. Illegal aliens certainly do take most entry level jobs while legal aliens take the best and the highest paying jobs in America from our best educated children. This happens because our current government puts Americans last. Both illegal and legal immigrants already come first!
Reindustrialize America from a post industrial United States: Part II
When the settlers first arrived in the new world, it is safe to say that only Barack H. Obama was here to greet them when they docked. Sorry! that was not funny! But, in addition to no Obama, there was no Walmart, no K-Mart, and no Sears. So, how did this new group of people, that feared the strangeness in each other as much as they feared native Americans, help the country grow from a rustic agricultural nation into the best nation in all respects for well over two hundred years? The first trick, of course, had to be to remember to bring the seeds from the old sod. This helped get the farms for agriculture going strong. Then, through the fight for independence, the founders noted that England, the most powerful nation on earth at the time, practiced mercantilism and it was the source of their success.
Read more: Reindustrialize America from a post industrial United States: Part II
Revitalize the American energy industry for Americans, Part I
Energy makes things happen. Literally! Who can argue with that? Nearly everything we do in modern society is made possible by energy. If it is not produced by burning our food and wastes, it is battery powered, solar powered, gas / oil powered, nuclear powered, and in many cases it is delivered to us from the three prong outlet in the wall. Electricity heats and cools our homes. It powers necessary appliances such as huge refrigerators and stoves. In the house or out of the house, we need energy. We know that transportation fuels help us drive around town and to other parts of the world. Energy, whether clean or dirty, powers our schools, businesses, hospitals, and factories. It powers the pacemakers and defibrillators of heart patients and it provides other medical wonders. We cannot live in American today without an abundant supply of energy. Why would we want to? Knowing we need energy to survive as a race in the 21st century, why would our government choose to not produce enough energy to satisfy the needs of the nation? Yes, where it should be the solution, since neither yourself nor Joe down the street have the means to become an energy supplier, in a nutshell, government is today’s biggest energy problem. The US imports about half of our oil and lots of it is from unfriendly countries. Yet, there is more than enough recoverable energy between our two big shores to power America for hundreds of years. Surely, creating an artificial shortage cannot be good for citizens, for business, for the economy or for National Defense. It is time to change the energy picture to favor America first!
Read more: Revitalize the American energy industry for Americans, Part I
Revitalize the American energy industry for Americans. Part II
If there were a small pebble, a tsetse fly, a piece of pine bark, or an empty beer bottle in charge of America’s energy policy and our gas / oil supply, the results would show a lot more promise than what we have been getting from the Obama Administration. It would be far better for the Administration to have no policy at all than the one they have. Their policy simply negates all of the fruitful efforts to provide energy for America’s needs. The Obama Administration has interfered innumerably in opportunities for America to be successful in energy but they have never interfered to help America or Americans. The most direct way to be able to revitalize energy as an industry in the US is to remove its greatest impediment—the President of the United States, and all progressive members of Congress. No, that is not a joke. At this time, the worldwide estimates for recoverable oil in the US are in the billions of barrels and more energy is being discovered on private lands every day pushing the total towards the trillion mark. Thanks to Obama and the Interior Department, the public lands energy story is not so bright. There are now fewer leases to explore and extract oil and in fact, some existing leases have been reversed. Add to that the Keystone Pipeline kill from the hand of the Obama team along with the fiasco caused by multiple moratoriums on drilling the Gulf of Mexico, which by the way were ruled illegal by the courts, and ignored by Obama. How much more proof do we need that the President is not executing an energy policy that is designed to help America?
Read more: Revitalize the American energy industry for Americans. Part II
Romney needs an America first / Americans first strategy. No pandering to specific ethnicities. (Part II)
by Part I. on August 2, 2012 · View
Classifying people for purposes of divisiveness is not a recognized American tradition. My cousin, whose family came directly from Spain, is American. He speaks English as do all of his children. Yet, his children were reclassified as Hispanic in order to attend public school. He said to me one time at a family gathering: “Brian, I thought I was an American.” He is American and his family is as much American as I am. Classifications are made so that government can promote certain groups at the expense of other groups. The name “Hispanic” itself originated merely as a contrived word coined by Grace Flores-Hughes, a minor level bureaucrat circa 1970. Her purpose was to aggregate the Census count for Spanish speaking Americans so that the U.S. government at the time could count those who wanted to be members of this group. Her purpose was not to give them a new name. It was so that anybody with the label Hispanic could be offered special benefits from the government. It was even given a capital letter to make it seem like it was a real ethnicity. None of these benefits would be available for non-Hispanic Americans. In other words, for the second time in American History, Irish need not apply. The Polish, English, French, Latvians, and all other ethnicities would also be denied such benefits, whatever they might be. Divide and conquer is a new government theme! Governor Romney should not be pandering to divisiveness and he should not be favoring any ethnicities, whether Hispanic or anything else. American families of many ethnicities switched to American right after being permitted to come into the country to gain citizenship. It is an honor to be an American.
Big government doesn’t work... Any questions? Part I
Big government is anathema to freedom and liberty. It works only for members of the bureaucracy, its adjuncts, and its dependents. It does not work for the people and so it must be cut down to size. When some bright light in the government (if there are any bulbs still lit) chooses to institute the modern form of mercantilism espoused in the RRR: A unique plan for economic recovery and job creation, the US will be well on its road to recovery. A modified RRR style of Mercantilism and a substantially reduced government footprint are essential ingredients for success in today’s upside down world. Government should be no bigger than the treasury receipts can afford and the treasury receipts should be no more than Americans can afford. And then, we should cut even more. The US must embark on a path that permits US to pay for all necessary public services while we reduce our deficit and debt. A switch to modified Mercantilism from pure capitalism would also mean that we would also raise tariffs, reduce offshoring, restructure or eliminate a number of our income taxes, reduce spending, reduce regulations, reduce lying, and reduce legal and illegal immigration. While we are doing all this of course we will also be revitalizing our energy industries while reindustrializing America. How does that sound? We do not need a huge overstuffed pig of a government bureaucracy to accomplish any of that. This is a real plan to save our way of life. I have offered the full RRR plan, lock stock and barrel to any Presidential candidate that will embrace it but I have no takers yet. I offered it to the Senate candidates in the PA primary on my web site and while I met with the candidates, other than Senator Casey of course, at meetings across the state. I have no takers yet. However, PA Republican Senate Candidate Tom Smith wrote his personal address on the back of his card as he chatted with me in Lebanon, PA.
Read more: Big government doesn’t work... Any questions? Part I
Big government doesn’t work… Any questions? Part II
Read more: Big government doesn’t work… Any questions? Part II
Romney, Ryan, & Reform: The new RRR plan for America and Americans First, Part I
by on August 15, 2012 · View Part II Here.
SAY NO TO THE STATUS QUO! This is another new mantra and a great slogan for all Americans after we have endured four years of Barack Hussein Obama. With Paul Ryan on the ticket, and with Mitt Romney in the Driver’s seat, we should not have to worry about the status quo messing with Americans after January 2013. Before Paul Ryan hit the ticket, most conservatives were aware of Governor Romney’s fifty-nine point reform plan for economic recovery and job creation. The plan was introduced in the fall of 2011. Since the “In-the-tank-for-Obama” corrupt US media does not like to dig into 100 plus page documents, there has not been much banter about the Romney formula for recovery. As expected, Obama and his minions have made light of the Romney plan; yet they have no plan of their own. Romney is into real solutions and Obama is the # 1 problem in the US today. Romney can solve that problem for sure in November. With 59 solution points, it is admittedly difficult to list them all on a business card or even a few 3X5’s. Summaries of Romney’s well conceived and well articulated 59 points can be found all over the Internet but the plan is so comprehensive that even the summaries are several pages in length. Consequently this fine plan does not translate well into talking points or easily recitable promotional / marketing material. The Romney plan is about cutting government down to size by cutting waste and spending and the number of federal employees. It demonstrates the Governor’s exceptional understanding of labor relations, unions, and the working man. The plan also looks to a fundamental redesign of the existing U.S. tax system recognizing many Americans pay no taxes at all while the working man is overtaxed by an ever growing government. With Congressman Paul Ryan on the team, there are no doubts left that Governor Romney will have a great answer for the deficit, the debt, and overall fiscal responsibility. With all the reform that Mitt Romney has cooked up with his 59 points and with Paul Ryan’s America-saving budgets, the nation finally has the chance to be on the right track. There is only one thing missing—a nice and simple, easy to remember, hard to forget symbol of what Romney, Ryan, and Reform are all about. Now that a real economic strategy is in place that will bring jobs to America, it is time for this conservative team to bring on their new plan and to call it simply RRR. The Romney, Ryan, and Reform plan will get these candidates noticed and everybody will know the plan. This is a plan for America and Americans First! Isn’t it nice for conservatives to finally have something to cheer about?
Read more: Romney, Ryan, & Reform: The new RRR plan for America and Americans First, Part I
Romney, Ryan, & Reform: The new RRR plan for America and Americans First, Part II
by View Part I Here. on August 16, 2012 ·
Conservatives are delighted, and rightfully so with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as our Presidential hopefuls. We all know that this is the most important election of our lifetimes. Romney and Ryan and Reform will not only give our country a chance to survive, but it will bring America back to its glory days. Conservatives are looking to spend the next eight years “Sans Obama!” And there are many reasons to be encouraged. Hope comes from many sources and disappointment comes from even many more. In their 1969 bestselling album, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards penned a song, the title of which, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” can stand as a conservative mantra for ages past. We surely have not gotten what we have wanted since the Reagan years. We have had some false hopes along the way to today. Reagan was a man who did what was best, simply because it was the best. Honor is something you cannot buy. You either have it or you do not. The fact is, “you can’t always get what you want.” Today conservatives are different than in the past. We will not accept a shutout. We plan to get what we want, and we will accept nothing less. We have been bleeding a lot for the right leaders to come along and for the right solutions to be applied. Its time has come. Ironically, the 1969 Rolling Stones hit another chord as their album title is “Let It Bleed.” With deference to the “Stones,” conservatives will bleed no more. We are sick of hope and change that has become hopelessness because of change. We are ready for Romney, Ryan, and Reform. We need the new RRR plan because it will make America strong and it will put Americans back to work again. We cannot afford to give even an inch to the progressives as it may be the last inch that we need for victory in November.
Read more: Romney, Ryan, & Reform: The new RRR plan for America and Americans First, Part II
Remember Mistakes: Americans must avoid four more years of Obama, Part I -
Sooner or later, we all make big mistakes. Some mistakes unfortunately are lots bigger than others. You may have already heard of the last patriotic book that I wrote called RRR: a unique plan for economic recovery and job creation. It was definitely not a mistake. The last precept advocated by this unique plan is that we should all remember our mistakes so that we do not commit them again. This thirteen point RRR plan saves the last R for best. “Remember Mistakes!” It is somewhat unique when formulating a new plan to add a notion to look at past mistakes and learn from them. Yet, it is essential to assure future success. Our government has made a lot of mistakes, especially in the last six years. All Americans are now paying for them. Romney, Ryan and company would do well to remember the mistakes of the Pelosi-led 110th Congress, (2007-2008), which is responsible for the beginning of our big downward slide. When Pelosi took over the Congress, unemployment was at 4.6%. It is hard to believe, yet true. Pelosi, Reid, and the Democrats controlled all of the play in the last two years of the Bush Administration and again in the first two years of the Obama Administration (2009-2010). During this time, the economy tanked. The last two years of mistakes (2011-2012) have been all on Obama. He used executive fiat / dictatorial power to overstep the Congress and do whatever he pleased. None of what pleases Obama pleases America or Americans. He took a bad situation and made it worse. We should remember this and make sure Romney and Ryan plug the holes to never let this happen again. Look what we have to show for Obama’s four years. Pain, misery, hardship, and woe, are all we got. Nobody sane commits the same mistakes a second or third time. Yet if we do not pay attention and remember our past mistakes, we may unknowingly make the same blunders, goof-ups, errors, miscalculations, misreads and muffs again. Surely, if we elect President Obama once again, he will make many more mistakes that hurt America. They may be intentional mistakes if such a thing is possible, as analysts predict his next four years would play out the worst parts of the Obama ideology. It will take a lot of work to right the Big Ship America, but all the work will be worth it. Romney and Ryan must remember all of the Obama mistakes and we Americans must step up to the plate to never let a man named Obama ever make such mistakes again.
Read more: Remember Mistakes: Americans must avoid four more years of Obama, Part I -
Remember Mistakes: Americans Must Avoid Four More Years of Obama, Part II
Ronald Wilson Reagan liked to refer to America as “a shining city on a hill.” When Conservatives think of great leadership, it is good to remember that we were once blessed with a President, an accomplished speaker, and actor when he needed to be, and a great man at all times. This man is Ronald Reagan, the fortieth President of the United States of America. Sometimes I tear as I read about or listen to how Ronald Reagan saw America. Many of us see it this way, and we miss the vision of our country’s leader feeling as good about our country as we do. Think about these Reagan words: “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.” These words were further expanded when President Reagan made his farewell address to the nation: “I’ve spoken of the Shining City all my political life …In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.” Wouldn’t it be nice if today’s President saw America that way? When we remember Ronald Reagan, we can see the mistakes of the past four years even more clearly. Reagan did not tout the words hope and change; he merely provided hope and he helped change America from the morass of the Carter years. Let us all remember that a President like Ronald Reagan can bring goodness while presidents like Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have brought misery, grief, and desperation. Neither Mitt Romney nor Paul Ryan is Ronald Reagan but they both believe in Reagan’s basic principles. Obama does not believe in Reagan’s principles. John Hawkins of Townhall.com has Reagan’s principles down to four sentences: “Principles are timeless. The free market almost always does a better job of handling things than big government. People are better able to spend their own money than the government is. As government power increases, the people’s liberty retracts.”
Read more: Remember Mistakes: Americans Must Avoid Four More Years of Obama, Part II
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