Why are over 200,000 rich, former American residents, living in London? Why do they make the UK one of the largest American communities outside the US? The simple answer is because they can. Millions of American expatriates have created homes abroad to “Escape America.” We have always been fortunate in America that the high wage earners pay so much of our tax burden. Few of us take the time to thank the rich for taking the wrath of the IRS on a continuing basis. Even our President insults them regularly rather than thanks them. Many articles have been written showing that the top 1% earners pay about 40% of the taxes and there are 46% of Americans who now pay no taxes at all. So, from my point of view, a lot of people should be thanking a lot of other people, rather than complaining.
Read more: Escape from America: Why our most prolific taxpayers are getting out of Dodge!