Ballot Access: A game designed by incumbents for incumbents; The reason why few good men and women run for public office — Part I
by on August 28, 2012
Around the time of my life that I became eligible for an AMAC card, I began to pay a lot more attention to the machinations of our local, state and our national governments. As I approached sixty years of age, I turned my attention from computer topics and I began to research and write about political and patriotic subjects. In the 1980’s, I began to write books. I mean a lot of books. I stopped for about ten years as I got my technical consulting practice going, but I picked it up quite a bit as the millennium approached. So far, I have written forty-seven books and well over 100 articles for various magazines and e-magazines on a number of topics—technical and patriotic. Prior to my latest book, which is titled, Take the Train to Myrtle Beach, my last seven books were about patriotic topics. As a computer consultant for IBM and in my own consultancy in recent years, I found that the best way to learn a topic was to figure out how to teach it. The more interested I became in our US government, the more I read; the more I researched; and the more I wrote. I titled my first patriotic book Taxation Without Representation, as like many of you I had gotten more than annoyed that our representatives in all aspects of government choose to represent themselves, rather than the people. It got me so riled up that I decided that I was going to do something about it. I ran for Congress in 2010 and I ran for the US Senate in 2012.
Ballot Access: A game designed by incumbents for incumbents; The reason why few good men and women run for public office — Part II
When I ran for Congress in 2010 in Pennsylvania, trying to unseat a 13-term statue that had made family profiteering an accepted ritual, I chose not to accept a dime of contributions. I wanted to have nothing to do with the corruption that brings good people down and makes them indebted to their benefactors. I had all good intentions, and because of that I refused to permit anybody to call me a politician. One day, I was a professor at a University and an IT consultant in private practice, and the next day, simply because I chose to run for elected office, just about everybody that I knew saw me as a politician and they told me so to my face. They did not see it as a slight. They figured that anybody who runs for office has a hidden agenda and is thus a politician.
Ballot Access: A game designed by incumbents for incumbents; The reason why few good men and women run for public office — Part III
All citizens know that it is the incumbent politician who, in the end, benefits the most from all of the restrictive ballot access laws that they are able to write while in office. By writing the laws, the incumbent is the only one who knows where all the gates are located, and the incumbent has the keys to all the gates. He or she knows the passwords and the incantations, the special handshakes, and all that is necessary to open all the gates necessary to assure a head-start for the incumbent above all challengers in any election. As you too have experienced in your home towns, incumbents are not merely satisfied with rigging the ballot. They pull the same stuff on the public (voters)—well, more particularly, their loyal constituency. Many citizens feel that they and they alone have favored access to incumbents. So, they unabashedly become part of the problem. The favored often have their hands out for alms, hoping to jump the line and receive something for themselves from the raw power of the incumbent’s office.
Obama and the “Party of the Rich” enjoy mocking Americans on tax cuts
It is a strange world indeed in which we find utterly rich Democrats waging a war on the rich. If it were real, it would be a suicide mission, would it not? But it is not real. It is pure chicanery in an attempt to charm the public into thinking that all Democrats are poor just like the rest of us. Yet, only two Democratic presidents in fairly recent times, Harry Truman, who by the time he died had become a millionaire, and Bill Clinton, who later hit the jackpot with book deals for himself and his wife, were not in the millionaire’s club on Inauguration day. The Clinton’s net worth today is about a quarter billion dollars. Yes, that is right, the Clintons are becoming billionaires. Even Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama were millionaires when elected. Let me say it again. Every United States President selected from the ranks of the Democratic Party has been a millionaire. No wonder Barack Obama can joke about tax cuts. Neither he nor other prominent Democrats need them. Just how disingenuous can the Democrats be in their bogus war on the rich? Even Al Gore came from huge wealth and like Clinton; he too is headed for the billionaire’s club. The Kennedys, John Kerry and FDR fit nicely in the billionaire’s club. Moreover, almost every one of the mega-multimillionaire Democratic presidents inherited their loot or married it. They did not earn it. They were never quite regular Americans. Check out the net worth of your favorite Democrats such as mega-millionaires Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jay Rockefeller, and Diane Feinstein next chance you get. Ask yourself why the “Party of the Rich” would be waging a war on the rich, and why would they be so dead set against tax cuts, which help all Americans?
Read more: Obama and the “Party of the Rich” enjoy mocking Americans on tax cuts
Yes, I am Pro-Baby and I am Pro-Mom!
Corrupt media vilify Romney’s 47% comments but absolve Obama of total incompetence! Part I
Don’t fight City Hall and don’t try to fight a corrupt and spineless national press corps, especially the newspaper and TV industries. Radio is our last best hope. Sarah Palin in frustration with the media making news rather than reporting it aptly labeled the new corrupt press as the “lame stream media.” Though this label resonates well with conservatives, this media is not lame at all. They are quite alive and quite vicious. Their message however is lame. The old adage to “believe half of what you hear and none of what you see,” does not apply to this new media. Believe none of their blather and your conclusions will be sounder. Radio, an inferior media for sure, is the best chance at getting good and factual news today. The TV and newspaper sides of the media are a willing extension of our progressive government. They are cold and calculating and in cahoots. The truth does not matter at all. They are 100% in the tank for Obama or any socialist progressive and are for themselves and not for the people. They mirror today’s government and provide cover for its actions. Rather than exposing lies, they tell lies to advance progressive agendas. They are devious and dishonest and not deserving of any of America’s attention. More and more Americans have written them off, yet they still stand. In many ways, they convince only those who are already convinced.
Corrupt media vilify Romney’s 47% comments but absolve Obama of total incompetence! Part II
by Here. on October 2, 2012 · View Part One
The corrupt media and progressive politicians have been in celebration mode since their 47% onslaught created big issues for Mitt Romney. Just when it was needed the most, they were able to create a diversion to make up for Obama’s abject failure in the Middle East firestorm that’s been going on the last several weeks. The outright lies put out unabashedly by administration minions regarding the Libyan murders had not helped Obama’s cause. However, the corrupt media did its best to make it all Romney’s fault by changing the issue. Apparently Bush was not available. Once they decided to scald Romney for the tape that they began to play about the 47% gaffe, Obama seemed to be off the hook for good. But, now all of a sudden, the Obama team is scrambling trying to find cover for their cover-ups.
Bob Casey’s poor record will help Mr. Smith go to Washington, Part II
Read more: Bob Casey’s poor record will help Mr. Smith go to Washington, Part II
Books By Brian W. Kelly
Brian Kelly's books are published by Lets Go Publish!
All of the Lets Go Publish! books are available for purchase at If you would like to contribute to the conservative work of Brian W. Kelly, please considered purchasing one of his books shown after the read more in this article.
In 2010, Brian Kelly, a conservative Democrat ran for US Congress from Pennsylvania in District 11, against a thirteen term incumbent, in a three person race. Kelly gained seventeen percent of the vote in the Primary election without taking a dime of outside money. His total expenditures were approximately $4,000, which according to Kelly was about $4000 more than he thought he should have to spend to perform a civic duty.
In 2012, Kelly ran for the US Senate seat then and now held by Robert P. Casey Jr. from Pennsylvania.
When you have the time, feel free to the site as well as the site which have been maintained reasonably intact for historical purposes.
The Kelly campaign hosted many chapters of Brian’s recent books on the campaign sites where they are still available for free viewing and downloading.
Here are a number of Brian Kelly’s books, all of which are available for purchase at If you are interested in supporting the Kelly literary projects, the best way would be by purchasing a book.
Thank you. Brian Kelly’s latest book, No Amnesty! No Way! is being hosted one chapter at a time on www.conservativeactionalerts. Feel free to visit to view the first chapter and those that have been posted since mid July, 2013.
Here are Brian Kelly’s most current books:
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