Since he spoke at the National Prayer breakfast, many people in America have begun to pay attention to Dr. Ben Carson, and exceptional American. Just recently, a movie about Dr. Carson viewed. It was very well done and it would make the hardest of us tear-up. Holding back the tears was tough after the part in which Dr. Carson operated on the conjoined twins for hours with great success. Dr. Carson is a national treasure. Some have suggested he run for President and that would be absolutely wonderful. Others unfortunately have called Dr. Carson a "jerk" for not following a prescribed agenda.  

Whether Dr. Ben Carson chooses to run for President or not, it helps us all to know that there are great men out there who would surely help America if they were to choose to make the great sacrifice to lead our country. Like most great men, nobody need ask whether Benjamin Carson is black or white. It simply doesn't matter. He is color blind and so should we be when judging all people. Yet, I must admit that there are few things that impress me more than a black conservative. They face many challenges to their principles from their peers and they receive little encouragement.  Yet, they persevere.

Conservative blacks must have major passion for their conservative convictions to get past the ridicule they inevitably face when choosing the conservative road. It is not easy. Bravo to Dr. Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Michael Steele, Mychal Massie, Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Star Parker, Deneen Borelli and many other black conservatives for facing an uphill battle every day. They regularly prove that a person can have the courage of their convictions and do well in life. The group-think left may call these fine folks "jerks" because they are not progressive socialist disciples, and they are not owned by the liberal left. This group knows how hard they have to work just to be conservative. They do not go along to get along. They make waves and they make history. They are not jerks and are not even close to being jerks. The mudslingers on the left are in fact the jerks. These folks are exceptional Americans. It is a lot more difficult being a black conservative than a white conservative. We should thank them all for what they must do every day. Please do no give up.