Was it Sergeant Schultz or Obama who suggested sequestration? Part I of II - 19 Feb 2013
posted in Columns
On January 1, 2013, Republicans caved again to avoid the impending fiscal cliff disaster. Congress agreed to put off the sequestration part of the fiscal cliff until March 1. It also agreed to keep the Bush tax cuts in effect permanently for those families making less than $450,000 per year. For all others, the income [...]
Obama changes focus from gun control to football control Part III of III - 12 Feb 2013
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Gun Control
What do you think are the most dangerous occupations in America? Would football for most Americans even come to mind? So, why would a president, ostensibly concerned about the health and safety of all Americans not have picked the most dangerous occupations in the US upon which to focus his attention? Why football instead? Football [...]
Obama changes focus from gun control to football control, Part II of III - 07 Feb 2013
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Gun Control
During the Communist regime, there are many stories suggesting that, vodka was the only thing that kept the Russian people going. Only in their intoxicated dreams did they find hope. After live NFL games are shut-off completely, Big Ed from MSNBC, a soothing network personality, who seems to enjoy running continual interference for the president, [...]
Obama changes focus from gun control to football control, Part I of III - 05 Feb 2013
posted in Civil Liberties & Columns & Executive
The Obama agenda is so full of controls for we the people that his controls need controls. This President is such a nice guy and so much smarter than everybody else that he is happy to use his unlimited power and energy to control our lives in more and more ways. Without his guiding hand [...]
My country 'tis of thee: Time for Americans to pay attention. Part VII of VII - 31 Jan 2013
posted in Columns
Each state in the union of states has its own Constitution; thus each of the 50 states has a notion of semi-autonomy (partial self-government). These states comprise the federal union. The US Constitution guides the operation of the national government, and establishes its formal power relationships between the national government and the 50 semiautonomous states [...]
My country 'tis of thee: Time for Americans to pay attention. Part VI of VII - 29 Jan 2013
posted in Columns
John Locke had a plan for the best government possible. Yet, even with Locke's writings as a guide, the founders depended on the good will of the governed (that's US) in order to make the process a success. The founders were not infallible in creating the US as a republic. Yet, they tried to do [...]
My country 'tis of thee: Time for Americans to pay attention. Part V of VII - 24 Jan 2013
posted in Columns
Now that we have exercised our way through four parts of this essay, is there anybody out there who cannot tell me why the US is considered to be a constitutional democracy or whether principles of direct democracy should or should not be used to help us out at the national level? By now, those, [...]
My country 'tis of thee: Time for Americans to pay attention. Part IV of VII - 22 Jan 2013
posted in Uncategorized
Since it has been a long time since third grade for many patriotic conservatives, we can all probably use a replay of some of the great lessons we learned about the founding of our country. So, let us now take some time to discuss some elementary, yet very important terms that are essential in both [...]
Are low information voters the problem or the solution to our country's malaise?– 50 ways to kill the Constitution! - 17 Jan 2013
I wrote an article in November, 2012 for Conservative Action Alerts that I titled: "Dumass Americans have assured that all Americans will continue to suffer!" It was my crystal clear opinion at the time that Americans consciously chose to bring in a four year encore presentation from a bad actor that should have been booed [...]
My country 'tis of thee: time for Americans to pay attention. Part III of VII - 15 Jan 2013
posted in Columns
See part I here and part II here. Thinking men and women of today know what is happening. It did not take long for these strong people, our earliest settlers, who chose a tough freedom rather than relative comfort living at home in captivity, to understand that even the colonies imposed some constraints on their [...]
My country 'tis of thee: time for Americans to pay attention. Part II of VII - 10 Jan 2013
posted in Civil Liberties
There is a quote on the Internet that keeps showing up as I read about the political realm in America: "Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason." Since most agree this is true, does it mean that we are headed for a tyranny of [...]
My country 'tis of thee: time for Americans to pay attention. Part I of VII - 08 Jan 2013
posted in Big Gov & Civil Liberties & Columns & Economy
I have been troubled very much during most of the Obama administration by otherwise good people, some in my inner circle of family and friends, who choose not to be good Americans. They do not even take the time to pay attention, yet they have an opinion on everything. It is a phenomenon that I [...]
Governor Cuomo making preparations to confiscate New York's guns - 03 Jan 2013
posted in Columns & Gun Control & Humor
It was the Thursday before Christmas when all through New York Governor Cuomo was stirring. Had he nipped too much schnork? When from his mic their arose such a clatter He exclaimed the 2nd amendment simply didn't matter To my Constitution copy, I flew like a flash Nothing in there said Cuomo could take my [...]
The Day the Free Press Died Part III of III - 21 Dec 2012
posted in Columns & Press & Speech
View Part One Here, and Two Here. In the latest election campaign, Democrats executed so perfectly and effectively that conservatives did not know what hit them. Progressive Democrats call this activity messaging, but I call it lying. To make their "messaging" have impact on regular people, the corrupt network media (not the free press as [...]
The day the free press died Part II of III - 20 Dec 2012
posted in Columns & Press & Speech
View Part One Here. The free press is dead. Long live the free press! Corporations unquestionably own the corrupt American media, as well as the media in many other western countries. There is no free press today. Any words in print or in other media that sound like you might have said them yourself, is [...]
The Day the Free Press Died Part I of III - 18 Dec 2012
posted in Columns & Speech
Who knows what happens when a hippie grows up? The correct answer is that they don't—ever! From my observations, starting as a teenager in the 60's—they do not know how to grow up and so they do not. But, as they age, they do change a bit. They become even more self-centered, with deeper concern [...]
Progressive Democrats play all Americans for fools
- 11 Dec 2012
posted in Columns
For anybody that ever argued with anybody about anything, it is obvious that the supposed fiscal cliff negotiations are a farce. It isn’t even making good soap opera. For starters, Republicans have no idea how to win any argument, and apparently have no paid coaches as their performance never seems to improve. More importantly, Republicans [...]
Republican Congressmen must be accountable to conservatives Part IV of IV
- 04 Dec 2012
posted in Columns
Also see Parts One, Two, and Three. Can it be as MSNBC proclaims that all Republicans are racists? Democrats, calling Republicans nasty names is not a new phenomenon. Their baseless, unwarranted charges do not green light Republican legislators to cave on tax increases or on the new Sergeant Schultz—U N Ambassador Susan Rice. Moreover, it does [...]
Republican Congressmen must be accountable to conservatives Part III of IV
- 29 Nov 2012
posted in Columns & Legislative & Politics & Govt
Also See Parts One and Four. Can you beat Santa Claus? Before moving to a discussion about How Republicans can win in the future, here are some additional thoughts about how Republicans can assure that Hispanics and Latinos can be counted in the Republican column in front of all other ethnicities. Even the Irish [...]
Republican Congressmen must be accountable to conservatives Part II of IV
- 27 Nov 2012
posted in Columns & Legislative
Also See Part One, Three, and Four. Many conservatives are rightfully upset that so many Republicans are blaming Republicans instead of exhorting the Democrats for their profligate, nasty and vicious unanswered personal attacks on candidate Mitt Romney. Romney was a fine candidate and would have served us all well. These malodorous blitzkriegs helped Obama gain enough of an [...]
Republican Congressmen must be accountable to conservatives Part I of IV
- 20 Nov 2012
posted in Civil Liberties & Columns & Legislative
Also See Parts Two, Three and Four. Why must conservatives put up with fraidy cats, wimps, bohos and namby-pambies for representatives? What happened to guts and glory and for the greater good? You may recall that in 2010, many on the wrong side of history found themselves on the other side of the electorate. We kicked them out [...]
‘Dumass’ Americans have assured that all Americans will continue to suffer! Part II of II
- 15 Nov 2012
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Economy & Vote
Also see Part I. Even Americans in the dumass category have a right to be annoyed when things don’t work out right for them. It is the American way. However, regarding the consequences of the last election, that’s where their rights end. Dumass Americans consciously have chosen to bring in a four year encore presentation [...]
‘Dumass’ Americans have assured that all Americans will continue to suffer! Part I of II
- 13 Nov 2012
posted in Civil Liberties & Columns & Economy & Vote
Also See Part II. Before the Tuesday November 6 election, there were some Internet bloggers saying some pretty harsh stuff about potential Obama supporters who might ultimately vote for his reelection. Here is a sample: “Any dumass who votes for Obama should have to pay back the $5 trillion he spent… get your checkbooks out [...]
The Obama Wars: Fourteen different wars on America and Americans, Part III of III
- 06 Nov 2012
posted in Columns
Also See Parts II, and III. The War on Business No matter how many so-called Jobs programs President Obama pleads that he has put forth, they all have the unpleasant odor of a badly mixed batch of stimuli. Even his hometown paper—the Chicago Tribune—could find no ”jobs,” in the Obama American “Jobs” Act [...]
The Obama Wars: Fourteen different wars on America and Americans, Part II of III
- 01 Nov 2012
posted in Civil Liberties & Columns & Property & To Bear Arms
Also See Parts 1 and III. The War on the 2nd Amendment: Annie better not have any guns in an Obama second term. A well reported purpose of the Fast and Furious gun-running program was to shock Americans into thinking the trafficking of U.S. guns into Mexico was a serious problem jeopardizing public [...]
The Obama Wars: Fourteen different wars on America and Americans, Part I of III
- 30 Oct 2012
posted in Big Gov & Civil Liberties & Columns & Executive & War
Also see parts II and III. Election after Election, the Democrats have saved their most intimidating ads designed to scare seniors until it is far closer to the election. This year the ads began months ago. Consequently, it is difficult to figure out what the closing game plan may be. Will an October [...]
Finally a member of Congress who is for Americans first! Part II
- 25 Oct 2012
posted in Columns & Pennsylvania
Also See part I. One would think the illegal immigration issue is over in this country as nobody on either side of the aisle this election season is brave enough to talk about it. Well, Lou Barletta is brave enough and he has introduced legislation that benefits all Americans. Barletta is for Americans first and [...]
Finally a member of Congress who is for Americans first! Part I
- 23 Oct 2012
posted in America First & Big Gov & Columns
Also see Part II. Pennsylvania Congressman Lou Barletta is as gracious as anybody that I have ever met or you will ever meet. As a freshman member of the Congress from 2010, Lou is doing a fine job for Pennsylvania and the nation. We could use more like him. Not everybody likes Lou Barletta, however, [...]
Bob Casey’s poor record will help Mr. Smith go to Washington, Part III
- 16 Oct 2012
posted in Columns
Also See Parts I and II. “If Sen. Bob Casey had a superpower, it would be invisibility.” Bryan Preston, blogging on the PJ Tatler site has little use for the sitting Senator. He writes: “Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) won his seat in the US Senate because of his last name: Casey is a revered [...]
Bob Casey’s poor record will help Mr. Smith go to Washington, Part II
- 11 Oct 2012
posted in Columns & Pennsylvania & Politics & Govt & States
Though Bob Casey Jr. lives just twenty miles away, I cannot recall ever seeing him in the Wilkes-Barre Area—either before or after 2006 when he was elected our US Senator. Casey’s greatest nemesis, Carl Romanelli is from Wilkes-Barre. Perhaps that is why the Senator has been AWOL. He knows his election was [...]
Bob Casey’s poor record will help Mr. Smith go to Washington, Part I - 09 Oct 2012
posted in Columns
Arlen Specter did more for Pennsylvania during Bob Casey’s term than Bob Casey. Specter is no longer in the US Senate but at least he went down swinging. While officially still listed as a US Senator, Casey has been MIA or fighting on the side of the enemy on important matters for [...]
Corrupt media vilify Romney’s 47% comments but absolve Obama of total incompetence! Part II - 02 Oct 2012
posted in Columns & Media
The corrupt media and progressive politicians have been in celebration mode since their 47% onslaught created big issues for Mitt Romney. Just when it was needed the most, they were able to create a diversion to make up for Obama’s abject failure in the Middle East firestorm that’s been going on [...]
Corrupt media vilify Romney’s 47% comments but absolve Obama of total incompetence! Part I - 25 Sep 2012
posted in Civil Liberties & Columns & Media & Politics & Govt
Don’t fight City Hall and don’t try to fight a corrupt and spineless national press corps, especially the newspaper and TV industries. Radio is our last best hope. Sarah Palin in frustration with the media making news rather than reporting it aptly labeled the new corrupt press as the “lame stream [...]
Yes, I Am Pro-Baby and I Am Pro-Mom! - 18 Sep 2012
posted in Big Gov & Life
I am happy to tell the world that I support protection for the unborn. I am father to three wonderful grown-up babies and I would not trade any one of them for the whole world. A baby is a heart melter for sure. Yet, in America, the same baby, if it could be reinserted into [...]
Obama and the “Party of the Rich” Enjoy Mocking Americans on Tax Cuts - 11 Sep 2012
posted in 2012 & Big Gov & Civil Liberties & Columns & Economy & Politics & Govt
It is a strange world indeed in which we find utterly rich Democrats waging a war on the rich. If it were real, it would be a suicide mission, would it not? But it is not real. It is pure chicanery in an attempt to charm the public into thinking that all Democrats are poor [...]
Ballot Access: A Game Designed by Incumbents for Incumbents; The Reason Why Few Good Men and Women Run for Public Office — Part III - 04 Sep 2012
posted in Columns & Pennsylvania & Politics & Govt & States & Tea Party & Vote
All citizens know that it is the incumbent politician who, in the end, benefits the most from all of the restrictive ballot access laws that they are able to write while in office. By writing the laws, the incumbent is the only one who knows where all the gates are located, and the incumbent has [...]
Ballot Access: A Game Designed by Incumbents for Incumbents; The Reason Why Few Good Men and Women Run for Public Office — Part II - 30 Aug 2012
posted in Big Gov & Civil Liberties & Pennsylvania & Politics & Govt & States
When I ran for Congress in 2010 in Pennsylvania, trying to unseat a 13-term statue that had made family profiteering an accepted ritual, I chose not to accept a dime of contributions. I wanted to have nothing to do with the corruption that brings good people down and makes them indebted to their benefactors. I had [...]
Ballot Access: A Game Designed by Incumbents for Incumbents; The Reason Why Few Good Men and Women Run for Public Office — Part I - 28 Aug 2012
posted in Columns & Economy
Around the time of my life that I became eligible for an AMAC card, I began to pay a lot more attention to the machinations of our local, state and our national governments. As I approached sixty years of age, I turned my attention from computer topics and I began to research and write about [...]
Remember Mistakes: Americans Must Avoid Four More Years of Obama, Part II - 23 Aug 2012
posted in 2012 & Big Business & Big Gov & Columns & Economy & Politics & Govt & Property
Ronald Wilson Reagan liked to refer to America as “a shining city on a hill.” When Conservatives think of great leadership, it is good to remember that we were once blessed with a President, an accomplished speaker, and actor when he needed to be, and a great man at all times. This man is Ronald [...]
Remember Mistakes: Americans Must Avoid Four More Years of Obama, Part I - 21 Aug 2012
posted in Big Business & Big Finance & Big Gov & Big Green & Big Labor & Columns & Economy & Executive
Sooner or later, we all make big mistakes. Some mistakes unfortunately are lots bigger than others. You may have already heard of the last patriotic book that I wrote called RRR: a unique plan for economic recovery and job creation. It was definitely not a mistake. The last precept advocated by this unique plan is [...]
Romney, Ryan, & Reform: The New RRR plan for America and Americans First — Part II - 16 Aug 2012
posted in America First & Columns & Economy & Property
Conservatives are delighted, and rightfully so with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as our Presidential hopefuls. We all know that this is the most important election of our lifetimes. Romney and Ryan and Reform will not only give our country a chance to survive, but it will bring America back to [...]
Romney, Ryan, & Reform: The New RRR plan for America and Americans First — Part I - 15 Aug 2012
posted in 2012 & America First & Big Gov & Columns & Economy & People & Politics & Govt & Property & Regulations
SAY NO TO THE STATUS QUO! This is another new mantra and a great slogan for all Americans after we have endured four years of Barack Hussein Obama. With Paul Ryan on the ticket, and with Mitt Romney in the Driver’s seat, we should not have to worry about the status [...]
Part II: Big Government Doesn’t Work… Any Questions? - 09 Aug 2012
posted in Civil Liberties & Columns
Many ask me why I am still a Democrat as I am a far more ardent conservative than many Republicans. If I choose to no longer be a Democrat in ideology or in name, then who within my Party, lousy as it may be, will be able to tell other Party members [...]
Part I: Big Government Doesn’t Work… Any Questions? - 07 Aug 2012
posted in America First & Big Gov & Columns & Economy
Big government is anathema to freedom and liberty. It works only for members of the bureaucracy, its adjuncts, and its dependents. It does not work for the people and so it must be cut down to size. When some bright light in the government (if there are any bulbs still lit) chooses [...]
Romney needs an America First / Americans First Strategy. No Pandering to Specific Ethnicities. (Part II) - 02 Aug 2012
posted in America First & Columns & Immigration & People & Politics & Govt
Classifying people for purposes of divisiveness is not a recognized American tradition. My cousin, whose family came directly from Spain, is American. He speaks English as do all of his children. Yet, his children were reclassified as Hispanic in order to attend public school. He said to me one time at a [...]
Part II: Revitalize the American Energy Industry for Americans - 12 Jul 2012
posted in Columns & Economy & Energy & Environment
Part one is available here. If there were a small pebble, a tsetse fly, a piece of pine bark, or an empty beer bottle in charge of America’s energy policy and our gas / oil supply, the results would show a lot more promise than what we have been getting from the Obama Administration. It [...]
Part I: Revitalize the American Energy Industry for Americans - 10 Jul 2012
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Economy & Energy & Environment
Part two is available here. Energy makes things happen. Literally! Who can argue with that? Nearly everything we do in modern society is made possible by energy. If it is not produced by burning our food and wastes, it is battery powered, solar powered, gas / oil powered, nuclear powered, and in many cases it [...]
Reindustrializing America from a Post Industrial United States: Part II - 03 Jul 2012
posted in Civil Liberties & Columns & Economy & Property
When the settlers first arrived in the new world, it is safe to say that only Barack H. Obama was here to greet them when they docked. Sorry! that was not funny! But, in addition to no Obama, there was no Walmart, no K-Mart, and no Sears. So, how did this new group of people, [...]
Is it really OK that legal foreign nationals are enjoying the highest paying jobs while American college graduates are unemployed? - 29 Jun 2012
posted in America First & Columns & Economy & Immigration & Jobs
Unfortunately, even college graduates cannot get jobs as burger-flippers since no skill at all is required. Over qualification is the excuse. They also cannot get jobs in their major field of study. Why is that? How many times have you heard someone say, we don’t really care about legal immigrants because they are good for [...]
Reindustrialize America from a Post Industrial United States: Part I - 28 Jun 2012
posted in Bureaucracy & Business & Columns & Economy & Politics & Govt & Tea Party
How did the US become second-rate in manufacturing? Though we still have some major manufacturing facilities, over the last thirty to fifty years, the US has moved to post-industrial status. Experts define post-industrial as the time when the service sector produces more wealth than the industrial or manufacturing sector. If we could consider a McDonald’s [...]
Forget about the Immigration EASY button. Hit the immigration STOP button! - 14 Jun 2012
posted in America First & Columns & Economy & Immigration & Politics & Govt & Welfarism
STOP all immigration into America including naturalization. When the barrel is full, logic suggests that there is no more room in the barrel. If we choose to do nothing, well over a million more legal foreign workers will be allowed to come into the U.S. barrel again this year and take our best jobs. These [...]
Kill Obamacare while we still live! If Obamacare were chocolate, would there be an unlimited supply? - 12 Jun 2012
posted in Big Gov & Civil Liberties & Columns & Economy & Medicine & Politics & Govt & Property & Taxation & Tea Party & Welfarism
When government gets involved in anything and it is free, is it largesse unlimited? We know that government likes to be looked upon as today’s Robin Hood in that it takes from the rich and gives to the poor. But what if the stash of goodies from the rich is not endless? Health administration experts [...]
Excessive regulations are killing the economy and the prospects for jobs - 05 Jun 2012
posted in Big Gov & Big Green & Business & Energy & Environment & Property
The bottom line is that freedom and liberty are anathema to regulations. Can you find the word regulations in the Constitution? Getting rid of regulators will go a long way in getting rid of intrusive and excessive regulations. Nobody needs a statistician to prove that a company that is put out of business by excessive [...]
Enforce Immigration Laws: Quickest Way to Create Good Jobs for Americans! - 29 May 2012
posted in America First & Bureaucracy & Columns & Immigration & Jobs & Politics & Govt & Property & The Constitution & Welfarism
In your city; in my city; in all cities in the US, over 50 million illegal foreign nationals live and many have been working in the US—for an awful long time. For each of these working illegal foreign nationals, there is an American that is out-of-work. If we believe any of this, isn’t the first [...]
Time to swear off runaway spending and let recovery begin! - 22 May 2012
posted in Big Gov & Business & Economy & Politics & Govt & Spending & Taxation & waste
When noted Academicians write to the President and tell him to stop spending, you know they are serious. In February 2012, Stanford University economist John Taylor was one of 150 economists who signed a letter to President Barack Obama urging spending cuts. Taylor took the time on his personal blog to explain in simple terms [...]
Are foreign tax deferrals and repatriation schemes anti-American? - 15 May 2012
posted in Big Business & Big Gov & Big Labor & Civil Liberties & Economy & Property & Taxation
As a former IBM Senior Systems Engineer, a long time Information Technology Consultant, a former college professor teaching Business Information Technology, and of course as a regular citizen just trying to get by, I have learned to respect government power. I do not particularly respect government itself or the specific office holders but I do [...]
Escape from America: Why our most prolific taxpayers are getting out of Dodge! - 11 May 2012
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Economy & Politics & Govt & Property & Taxation
Why are over 200,000 rich, former American residents, living in London? Why do they make the UK one of the largest American communities outside the US? The simple answer is because they can. Millions of American expatriates have created homes abroad to “Escape America.” We have always been fortunate in America that the high wage [...]
America First Personal Income Tax Plan - 09 May 2012
posted in Columns & Politics & Govt & Property & Spending & States & Taxation & Tea Party
The personal tax rates in our current 75,000 page tax system must be reduced while we develop a permanent new personal tax structure that is designed for America first and not for tax lobbyists. It should be no more than 50 pages that are readable by all Americans. Many Americans are aware that the last [...]
The End of French Champagne and French Pastry - 07 May 2012
posted in Big Labor & People & Politics & Govt & Welfarism & World
The Headlines over the weekend included the fact that “Socialist Francois Hollande swept to victory in France’s presidential election on Sunday in a swing to the left at the heart of Europe that could start a pushback against German-led austerity.” The Socialists have knocked out conservative Nicolas Sarkozi, who believes in hard work and the [...]
Comments on Capital Gains - 03 May 2012
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Money & People & Politics & Govt & Property & Taxation
I have read the comments regarding my article on the Buffet Rule and I am disappointed that I did not make my points more clearly. I hope this comment helps in this regard. First of all, I am not for big government and I am surely not anti-business or anti-rich. I am a regular conservative, [...]
Student loan deadbeats should be sent to debtor’s prison? - 02 May 2012
posted in Columns & Economy & Education & Money & Politics & Govt & Tea Party
If we can solve the Student Loan Crisis, it will go a long way to solving the Housing Crisis? Young and old borrowers alike are collectively a trillion dollars in debt from their public and private student loans. With the bad economy as a big part of the reason, more than 30% of student borrowers [...]
Buffet Rule: A Sure Loser for Republicans - 24 Apr 2012
posted in Money & People & Politics & Govt & Property & Taxation & The Constitution
Should the middle class pay a higher tax rate than the highest wage earners? Chew on that thought while we show you why the Republican stance on the Buffet Rule can cost conservatives the Presidency. Warren Buffett has been suggesting on a number of occasions that the wealthiest do not pay enough in taxes. One [...]
RRR: Reduce Corporate Taxes to 8 Per Cent - 17 Apr 2012
posted in Columns & Economy & Money & Politics & Govt & Property & Taxation & Tea Party
Many Democrats do not seem willing to admit that John F. Kennedy was a tax cutter. Kennedy was pro-American and so when taxes needed to be cut, he was ready to do so. In 1962, a favorite of All Democrats and many Republicans, President JFK favored tax reduction in a big way. Kennedy had a [...]
An Introduction to RRR: A unique plan for economic recovery and job creation. - 12 Apr 2012
posted in Business & Columns & Economy & Politics & Govt & Spending & Tea Party
As a conservative Democrat, I have gotten accustomed to saying things my Party does not like to hear. Quite frankly, I don’t like what my Party says most of the time. I have begun to look to the GOP for the better ideas. Maybe one day Democrats will once again be the Party of the [...]
The mystery on the cliff: Whose fingerprints are on granny’s wheelchair? - 10 Apr 2012
posted in Bureaucracy & Columns & Corruption & Economy & Executive & Medicine & Welfarism
Our country is steep in debt, going further in debt, and the government is digging the hole deeper each and every day. Additionally, this Administration is mortgaging our children’s and our grandchildren’s future with every dollar they print and spend. The most plentiful manufacturing jobs in America are now found in the assembly lines of [...]
Romney needs an America First / Americans First Strategy. No Pandering to Specific Ethnicities. (Part I) - 31 Jul 2012
posted in America First & Columns & Immigration & People & Politics & Govt
View Part II. Like many Americans—Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, etc., I want America to last through my lifetime and the lifetimes of my family down through multiple generations. Why would anybody not feel that way? Unfortunately, I have been forced by reality to give up on President Obama taking me there. Our President wants to [...]
Let’s reduce government’s redistribution of income and wealth. Charity begins at home! - 24 Jul 2012
posted in America First & Civil Liberties & Columns & Economy
I have always deeply believed in the redistribution of wealth. The key element in my kind of redistribution is that it should be voluntary. If you’ve got it really good, then chances are you are willing to make life better for somebody else. Coercion is not needed. So, like many other conservatives, I heartily believe [...]
Stop Government Lies! Obama has perfected the lie as the most powerful political tool for assuring power! (Part II) - 19 Jul 2012
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Politics & Govt
Part 2 of 2. View Part 1. You cannot really know how well the war is going or how well the economy is really doing if the people you think tell you the truth are lying through their teeth. It really does not matter if they are lying on their own or they are being [...]
Stop Government Lies! Obama has perfected the lie as the most powerful political tool for assuring power! (Part I) - 17 Jul 2012
posted in Big Gov & Columns & Economy & Property
Part 1 of 2. View Part 2. The White House is preparing to release new facts on the Bin Laden raid just in time for the November elections. It turns out the official account will change. Obama and Biden were not in the WH situation room as originally reported that evening as the Armed Services [...]
Morgan Stanley Is High On Chinese Rail! - 03 Apr 2012
posted in Gov't Subsidy & Opinion & Spending & Voices
Morgan Stanley is in fact very high on Chinese Rail. No thank you. I am not suggesting Morgan Stanley is talking about rail fumes. The Morgan Stanley team is simply impressive. They are into knowing what is hot and what is not. I would trade the whole US Congress for the Morgan Stanley team of [...]
Asthmatic Children: Pawns in Obama’s Reelection Campaign - 23 Mar 2012
posted in Bureaucracy & Environment & Executive & Medicine & Politics & Govt & Voices
Is Obama or the EPA anti-asthmatic? One would think from their recent braggadocio that they are asthmatic children’s best friends. But then that nasty enemy of the state, the truth, just like Mighty Mouse, often comes in to save the day. This is one such story. No wonder Obama and his minions hate the truth. [...]